The Rock Church

Tag Archive: holy

  1. Chosen

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    Chosen – a word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "We shouldn’t grumble for not having the worldly positions and possessions others have. Instead, we need to thank God that we are His chosen"

    In Numbers 16, we read about some men who rebelled against Moses and Aaron. They were angry and envious of Moses and Aaron’s position among the congregation of Israel. Also, they assumed that Moses and Aaron were making themselves out to be more holy than the rest of Israel. Along with that, these rebels wanted to be recognized as great men, also. However, instead of humbly going to the Lord about their thoughts, they grumbled and rebelled.


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  2. Grace Rules!

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    Grace Rules! – a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "... clarified how to live and discern right from wrong. Admittedly, you might even call it a love letter (in the form of rules) ..."

    Being told what to do seems acceptable (and popular). Sometimes I just want someone to tell me what to do or show me how to do it. YouTube (and many other social media avenues) provide countless how-to videos. Without looking too far, you can quickly learn how to fix your hair, car, appliances, relationships, and phone. Additionally, you can learn to sing, ski, jump on a pogo stick, swim, speak a foreign language, and exercise. And the list certainly goes on…


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  3. Treasure

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    Treasure – a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Oh, my! Take that in, my friends. God thinks you’re something special. And you are — especially if you’re His treasure."

    Have you ever discovered a treasure? I can easily get caught up in treasure hunt shows on TV. I’m so eager for them to find something. It seems like most of the time, however, they chase a story or a tall tale. Unbelievably, the treasure somehow slipped past the previous 5,000 treasure hunters. In fact, most of the time, they don’t find anything.

    My family knows I love treasure stories. About five years ago, they bought me a metal detector for Father’s Day. I think they figured I’d share with them if I found something! One time during a family gathering, I had fun with them . I pulled out the new metal detector and waved it over a spot in the yard where the grass annually faded into the shape of a gravesite. Of course, the metal detector made all kinds of noises, and we got several shovels out. We frantically dug, and everyone was surprised to find a concrete slab below the ground. At least almost everyone (I kind of knew what we’d see).


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  4. Jesus the Killer

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    Jesus the Killer – a word by Pastor Josh Whitney from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "the Antichrist is doomed and Jesus is his killer. Imagine, just a word from Jesus will bring the Antichrist’s wicked reign to an end."

    “And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming.” — 2 Thessalonians 2:8

    Have you ever read a verse that stopped you? Made you really think about something in a way you hadn’t before? As our Youth Group read through the New Testament this year, it was good to study the Gospels, Epistles and Revelation. A few months ago, I read the above verse and like I said, it stopped me. The chapter talked about the end times (eschatology); it described the Antichrist and the return of Jesus. But the phrase, “the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth” stopped me. 


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