The Rock Church

Tag Archive: Hope

  1. Gratitude and Hope

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    Ephesians 1:15-21 is a set of verses that really encourages me. We glimpse Paul’s heart and his thankfulness for the church in Ephesus! He speaks with gratitude and hope. On top of that, he deeply desires the saints to continue their spiritual growth.

    First, Paul starts by expressing his gratitude for the Ephesians’ faith in Jesus. At the same time, he also expresses thanks for their love for the saints.


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  2. Look Ahead!

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    Look Ahead! — a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "A key lesson from these sports is the importance of looking ahead. It sounds simple, but it’s critical. You have to keep your eyes focused"

    I’ve always had a passion for all things boards. From the freedom of skateboarding through city parks to carving fresh powder on snow-capped mountains. Not to mention the rhythm of surfing ocean waves. Without a doubt, it’s a thrill like no other. I love feeling the wind rushing against my face. Strangely, times like this are also when I find myself in deep prayer. Yes, you read that right; I absolutely connect with God profoundly while gliding on a board!


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  3. God is on Your Side

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    God is on Your Side — a word by Pastor Steele Croswhite from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "the GOD of the universe, the author of all that is good, wonderful, and right, the maker of Heaven and Earth, is ON YOUR SIDE?!"

    “This I know: God is on my side! I praise God for what he has promised; yes, I praise the Lord for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?” — Psalm 56:9-11

    Reading this verse, I was particularly encouraged by it. David says, “This I KNOW — God is on my side!” He also said that he praises God for what He has promised.

    Christian, do YOU know that the GOD of the universe, the author of all that is good, wonderful, and right, the maker of Heaven and Earth, is ON YOUR SIDE?!


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  4. Jesus in the Middle

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    Jesus in the Middle – a word by Pastor Bill Young from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Allow Jesus to get in between you and your trials. Imagine Him stepping into the middle of your despair, grief, pain, or stress."

    As a pastor, I am for sure not immune to feeling overwhelmed by difficulties. Also, whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional, life can sometimes make me feel like I’m drowning.

    Perhaps the disciples felt this way. In fact, in the gospels of John, Mark, and Matthew, we are told how these fishers of men were overwhelmed with fear at the sight of their teacher walking on water through a storm. As a result, it says they were “terrified” because they thought they saw a ghost!

    Isn’t it good to know we are not the only ones who experience fear and anxiety?


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  5. His Mercies Are New Every Morning (and Every Year)

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    His Mercies Are New Every Morning (and Every Year) — a word by Pastor Caleb Yetton from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "His mercies bring hope. I don’t know how people go through difficult circumstances without the hope of Jesus."

    “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” — Lamentations 3:21-23

    It’s almost hard to believe that another year has come and gone. Every year, I seem more surprised by how quickly the calendar year moves. The new year always feels like a mixed bag of emotions. While January 1 can seem to give the appearance of a clean slate for goals, resolutions, and moving forward, it’s really no different from December 31.  


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  6. Don’t Put This Light Away!

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    Don’t Put This Light Away! – a word by Pastor Bryan D. Edwards from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "how you may feel about the Christmas lights coming down and getting packed away. However, I pray you’ll remember that the Light of the World"

    Christmas is indeed the most wonderful time of the year! But, the day after Christmas… not so much. Admittedly, all the excitement that went into putting up the Christmas lights is now nonexistent. The time has finally come to take them down.

    But certainly, don’t let December 26th be the day you put all of the excitement of Christmas away until next year. Instead, ponder the incarnation of God in the Lord Jesus Christ. It means He has come to illuminate our lives today and forevermore.


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  7. Grief-Stained Joy

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    Grief-Stained Joy — a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Our grief is certainly not erased like the shaking of an imaginary etch-a-sketch. It’s real, and it’s also necessary."

    Every day, I read from Milton Vincent’s book, “A Gospel Primer.” It has a 31-part section that fits nicely into my daily devotional routine. This phrase always catches me each time I read it (on the 14th of the month). He refers to a “grief-stained joy.” That idea resonates with me deeply when contemplating life. Especially today, as I write this, about ten steps away from my wife Jeanne’s hospital bed — it’s  awkwardly positioned in our bedroom. This verse specifically comes to mind as I search for solace.

    “If your instructions hadn’t sustained me with joy, I would have died in my misery.” — Psalm 119:92


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  8. Saved by Grace

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    Saved by Grace — a word by Pastor Caleb Yetton from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "take time to meditate on the peace and comfort that come from remembering Jesus called your name? At the same time, He saved"

    The Rock Music recently released a new single, “Saved By Grace (Live Acoustic Performance).” Additionally, we released a new live performance on our YouTube channel. It’s certainly a blessing and an honor to participate in these new TRM projects. I invite you to listen to the song on your preferred streaming platform and also watch the new video. Thank you for your support and encouragement with all the new music we have put out this year.  


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  9. Bless the Lord

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    Bless the Lord – a word by Pastor Steele Croswhite from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "It’s always easy to “bless the name of the Lord” when things are going well, but “now” implies the moment."

    “Blessed be the name of the Lord now and forever.” — Psalm 113:2

    I recently read this verse in my quiet time, and one word stuck out to me more than the others. The word was “now.”

    It’s always easy to “bless the name of the Lord” when things are going well, but “now” implies the moment. Regardless of what this moment holds in your life, whatever situation “now” finds you in, bless the name of the Lord.


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