The Rock Church

Tag Archive: Judgment

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    Created  – a word by Pastor Bill Young from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. That rainbow was a sign from God, shouting to the world, “Hey, I’m here — I created this earth, and I will also judge it!”

    “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” — Genesis 1:1

    I love starting a new year reading in Genesis! The Creation story certainly affirms my faith and always excites me.

    I remember taking a drive with my family years ago. While in the car, we saw the most amazing rainbow I’ve ever seen. Actually, it was a double rainbow, cascading against the Wasatch Mountains. The colors were brilliant. They absolutely surpassed my imagination. In awe, we pulled our car off the road a bit, got out and just stared.

    When we got ready to leave, we noticed dozens of cars had pulled off the road to park (just like us). Other awestruck people had their cameras out, all marveling at the incredible sight. I was reminded of Psalm 19:1, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”

    Glory to the Lord

    Just looking at God’s Creation (observing a rainbow He made) somehow gives glory to the Lord. There is an inaudible voice declaring, proclaiming, communicating and explaining to us that God is awesome. He is glorious. That rainbow was a shout to the world from God. “Hey, I’m here — I created this earth, and I will also judge it!” Our universe didn’t just happen by itself. Rainbows are a reminder of that fact.

    We need to spend time learning, observing and seeking the truth found within the Creation. Our reality is simple. God created it all. Simply put, as we observe His handiwork, our awe of God will grow and we will glorify Him with our lips.

    Is God’s Creation glorious? The heavens eternally declare, “Yes!” For this reason, may we see and declare the glory of God this week, as we observe all that He has made.

    Rejoicing in Him,



    Posted in A Word from the Pastor by