The Rock Church

Tag Archive: Mac

  1. Love and Unity

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    Love and Unity — a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "our love and unity (with each other) bring us closer to the Lord. Additionally, we can together catch glimpses of what’s to come."

    “Love and unity” (together) are among the eight core values we hold dear at The Rock. We describe this particular value in these words (on our website): “We desire our ministry to be marked by a Christ-like, selfless love, loyalty, and unity with fellow believers.” Over time, the undeniable evidence of this core value within our body of Believers has struck me. Selfless love and loyalty are indeed the norm. It’s as if it’s actually in the air. Like a beautiful fragrance from a spring flower after a long winter. And ultimately, it’s so compelling it draws you in. 


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  2. Looking Forward

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    Looking Forward – a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from the Rock Church in Draper, UT. "He wanted people to think about what was coming so they could look forward to something beyond their comprehension."

    A lot of the world is looking forward to celebrating Easter. I know I am, as well. Hiding eggs for my children and grandchildren to find is so enjoyable. It’s fun to hide some of them out of reach or in unusual places, so they have to think about it. Not to mention being stuffed with hundred-dollar bills, who wouldn’t be excited to find them? No, not really stuffed with hundo’s, come on. Perhaps they’re filled with candy or something curious. 


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  3. Pray About Everything

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    Pray About Everything – a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "The right response is to pray about everything. Perhaps you feel like you’re in an uphill battle. Are you distraught, downtrodden, sick,..."

    The right response is to pray about everything. Perhaps you feel like you’re in an uphill battle. Are you distraught, downtrodden, sick, bankrupt, or confused? Oftentimes, life can be utterly brutal. And yet, in the same life, we can also experience the downhill thrill of blessings. Being in love, landing the perfect job, receiving gifts, learning new skills, having children, going on vacation, hearing, tasting, and so on.

    In all our ups and downs, the Apostle Paul encourages us to assume the position of prayer.


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  4. Grief-Stained Joy

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    Grief-Stained Joy — a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Our grief is certainly not erased like the shaking of an imaginary etch-a-sketch. It’s real, and it’s also necessary."

    Every day, I read from Milton Vincent’s book, “A Gospel Primer.” It has a 31-part section that fits nicely into my daily devotional routine. This phrase always catches me each time I read it (on the 14th of the month). He refers to a “grief-stained joy.” That idea resonates with me deeply when contemplating life. Especially today, as I write this, about ten steps away from my wife Jeanne’s hospital bed — it’s  awkwardly positioned in our bedroom. This verse specifically comes to mind as I search for solace.

    “If your instructions hadn’t sustained me with joy, I would have died in my misery.” — Psalm 119:92


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  5. Better

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    Better — a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Maybe it’s human nature to want to make ourselves look better by making others look bad. Admittedly, I catch myself doing it all the time."

    I meet people all the time who are looking for something better. I often cringe when a new visitor at our church will “go off” about another church they’ve visited. For instance, they complain about the pastor having green teeth (or something like that). If the opportunity presents itself (and I often try to make it present itself), I recommend they talk to that pastor about the green teeth situation. They certainly need to work it out.   

    Let’s face it, looking down on others (and belittling them) is an easy trap to fall into. It’s like stepping in dog doo-doo without realizing it. Maybe it’s human nature to want to make ourselves look better by making others look bad. Admittedly, I catch myself doing it all the time. This behavior usually manifests itself into gossip. We think people should be all put together, like us — ha!


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  6. Grace Rules!

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    Grace Rules! – a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "... clarified how to live and discern right from wrong. Admittedly, you might even call it a love letter (in the form of rules) ..."

    Being told what to do seems acceptable (and popular). Sometimes I just want someone to tell me what to do or show me how to do it. YouTube (and many other social media avenues) provide countless how-to videos. Without looking too far, you can quickly learn how to fix your hair, car, appliances, relationships, and phone. Additionally, you can learn to sing, ski, jump on a pogo stick, swim, speak a foreign language, and exercise. And the list certainly goes on…


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  7. Hospitality

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    Hospitality – a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Hospitality seems to be less popular nowadays than what I remember throughout my life. It’s also different from what I’ve read about"

    Hospitality seems to be less popular nowadays than what I remember throughout my life. It’s also different from what I’ve read about in the past. In biblical times, showing hospitality to strangers was an absolute privilege. On top of that, people would vie for the chance to do so. Thankfully, many people worldwide still go out of their way to invite others into their homes to share a meal.

    Something special happens when we let down our guard and focus on others. On many occasions (and in many places), my wife and I have sat at the tables of generous people. Some of you reading this were kind enough to open your homes to us. Thank you! That act of kindness is bearing fruit in our family. Here is a great verse to consider.


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  8. Meeting Together

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    Meeting Together – a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "even Jesus took time to get away on His own. But I do believe there is tremendous value in meeting together."

    I have been undeniably blessed and privileged to meet with many people over the years. In fact, it is one of the most character-developing habits the Lord has placed in my life. I’m naturally an introvert; before giving my life to Christ, I was pretty happy riding my horse of life alone. Just me and my family. Perhaps you can relate? Without a doubt, a “lone ranger” existence was just fine by me. Now, I’m not saying that’s wrong. But I do believe God has better for us. These verses always spur me on,


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  9. Pray for Workers

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    Pray for Workers – a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from the Rock Church in Draper, UT. "people prayed for workers to come to Utah. I’m also very grateful to be part of a church filled with people who want to serve the Lord."

    My family and I have been incredibly blessed to be part of what God has been doing in Utah for the last 24 years. So many lives have changed. We’ve had the privilege of working side-by-side with Gospel-minded people daily; and the Spirit of God continues to move in extraordinary ways. I certainly believe we came here on the wings of prayers from the faithful saints before us. They were people who recognized the need for workers in this place. Prayer warriors, maybe even some of you reading this? It reminds me of this verse. 

    “These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” — Luke 10:2


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  10. Let it Snow!

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    Let it Snow! – A word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "the most sensible thing possible. In the storms of my life, I need to trust the Lord and say to Him, “let it snow."

    I have a love/hate relationship with snow. The lovely song that Frank Sinatra made famous, “Let It Snow,” brings a certain whimsical set of emotions. Yes, the snow is beautiful! Yet, my back is aching, and driving is stressful. When pondering the statement “let it snow,” I can’t help but be reminded of the One (and only One) who controls the snow.


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