“Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” — Matthew 6:19-21 (NLT)
Recently, we wrapped up our “Win, Build, Send” series. I’m definitely thankful for the important reminders we talked about regarding the vision and mission of our church. We want to reach the world for Jesus and see people become disciples of Jesus. One reminder I’m particularly grateful for is the role our money can have in our lives. It will either assist us in that goal or surely keep us from getting involved in the mission.
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As we start the new year, many of us reflect on the past and naturally make plans for the future. It’s for sure a season of resolutions and fresh starts. Reading in Matthew 3:8, John the Baptist gives us a piece of timeless wisdom that can always guide us. It guides us not just at the start of the year but every single day: “Bear fruit in keeping with repentance.” Repentance isn’t just about feeling bad or saying sorry. It’s also about a life transformed by God’s grace.
“ALL means ALL, and that’s ALL ALL means.” If you’ve been going to The Rock Church for very long, you have probably heard this catchy saying. And you’ve also probably heard that today is Election Day. Perhaps, if you’re like me, you may even feel a sense of relief that this day has finally arrived.
The current political environment reminds me of the time an undertow in the ocean caught me. I am a capable swimmer but I felt somewhat out of control as the waves tossed me head over heels under the water. As the tide rolled away, I could stand and get my bearings again. In much the same way, no matter how this day unfolds, I know where to find my bearings. I believe we ALL will remain under the authority of King Jesus. These verses help me immensely. I have used the NLT version and capitalized and underlined the word ALL for emphasis.
A lot of the world is looking forward to celebrating Easter. I know I am, as well. Hiding eggs for my children and grandchildren to find is so enjoyable. It’s fun to hide some of them out of reach or in unusual places, so they have to think about it. Not to mention being stuffed with hundred-dollar bills, who wouldn’t be excited to find them? No, not really stuffed with hundo’s, come on. Perhaps they’re filled with candy or something curious.
As a pastor, I am for sure not immune to feeling overwhelmed by difficulties. Also, whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional, life can sometimes make me feel like I’m drowning.
Perhaps the disciples felt this way. In fact, in the gospels of John, Mark, and Matthew, we are told how these fishers of men were overwhelmed with fear at the sight of their teacher walking on water through a storm. As a result, it says they were “terrified” because they thought they saw a ghost!
Isn’t it good to know we are not the only ones who experience fear and anxiety?
John 14:1 “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.”
In John Chapter 13, Jesus gave His disciples shocking news. He informed them that He would be betrayed by one of their closest friends. Additionally, He would soon leave them and go where they couldn’t follow.
“Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “We have found him of whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.” — John 1:45-46
Jesus’ first disciples joined Him at the beginning of His earthly ministry. Philip invited Nathaniel to “come and see” Jesus. However, Nathanael was famously skeptical of the prophetic significance of Jesus’ hometown. But I love Philip’s response, “Come and see.” It wasn’t “Believe or else.” In other words, Philip invited Nathaniel to investigate Jesus’ claims for himself.
Now, fast forward to the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry. Imagine the Sunday morning after the Resurrection. In due time, Mary and Mary went to the tomb. And what did the angel say to them?
“But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.” — Matthew 28:5-6
The angel invited Mary to investigate for herself if Jesus had risen from the dead! So again, it wasn’t “Just take my word for it.” It was come and see for yourself! What an example of the Christian faith. True Christianity is never afraid of investigation.
Start Investigating
While in high school and college, I had many questions about the truthfulness of Christianity. Naturally, there were questions about to Jesus, the Bible, science, evolution, creation, and more. I spent several years researching those questions. And time and time again, I found solid answers.
If you have questions about Jesus, the Bible, or Christianity, I certainly encourage you to investigate them. Some people are good at a “lazy skepticism.” They have questions that keep them from engaging, but they are too lazy to examine their doubts. Never let that be you! The Bible doesn’t mock doubt. Instead, it encourages personal investigation. Come and see!
I have a directly related announcement for you. This spring, I will continue to teach God’s Grand Design class. Join us. It just might help your own investigation. Here are some schedule details and the previously covered topics.
“Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.” — Matthew 24:42
You may have read a sad story in the news last week. A man shot at a woman, and the police then killed him (as of this writing, the details are still under investigation). But this happened a few miles from my house. Where this terrible story intersects my life (and your inbox) is that soon after the shooting, a police helicopter started circling the area and woke me up.
“The flesh wars against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh.” — Galatians 5:17
I recently watched a short video on demagnetizing powerful, permanent magnets. One technique heated the magnet to a very high temperature — as high as 1390 degrees! The heat caused the electrons to spin. Then, they realigned within the heart of the metal. As a result, the magnetism of the whole object decreased. Voila!
Furthermore, did you know that our flesh is just like a sin magnet? Sin undeniably draws us. To put it another way, our eyes, hands, feet, thoughts, and words get us into trouble. I’ve counseled in heartbreaking situations with people. They were situations where people were specifically struggling (and losing) the battle with addictions of the flesh. Alcohol, drugs, and porn are very powerful sins. In such cases, people may need a reliable treatment center.
The team at Carrara luxury rehab centers ensures that every client receives tailored support, leading to lasting recovery. Offering a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment, Carrara combines luxury with expert care.
I have a love/hate relationship with snow. The lovely song that Frank Sinatra made famous, “Let It Snow,” brings a certain whimsical set of emotions. Yes, the snow is beautiful! Yet, my back is aching, and driving is stressful. When pondering the statement “let it snow,” I can’t help but be reminded of the One (and only One) who controls the snow.