The Rock Church

Tag Archive: Mission

  1. Where is My Treasure?

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    Where is My Treasure? —  a word by Pastor Caleb Yetton from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Through this practice, God has brought tremendous peace to my heart concerning money and where I find financial security."

    “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” — Matthew 6:19-21 (NLT)

    Recently, we wrapped up our “Win, Build, Send” series. I’m definitely thankful for the important reminders we talked about regarding the vision and mission of our church. We want to reach the world for Jesus and see people become disciples of Jesus. One reminder I’m particularly grateful for is the role our money can have in our lives. It will either assist us in that goal or surely keep us from getting involved in the mission


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  2. Honduras Update #6

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    Our Comforter

    Our last day started out at the University where some of the students danced a traditional Honduran dance and then one girl sang ”This is Amazing Grace.”  She had the most beautiful voice which brought us to tears because we felt God’s presence so strongly in that room worshipping together. We were also able to talk to a lot of them who knew God but were struggling with hard things in their life and had questions about miracles or about death. One girl shared how her grandfather, who had raised her, had died 9 days before. She was so sad and was just asking why. It sounded like her grandfather was a believer and she was looking at this tract with the gospel on it saying that the question on it was her own question of “where will I go when I die?” We were able to remind her of the hope that we can have in Christ and how she will see him again in eternity. 


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  3. Honduras Update #5

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    I have learned that one way Jesus spreads His good news, which is that He is Lord, is through the suffering love of the saints. Yesterday, I prayed that God would give me extravagant love for the people we were visiting in one of the poorest areas in Honduras. Getting there is difficult, but staying all day is even more difficult. One lady said she feels unsure about God because life is hard. She often doesn’t have enough food to feed her family, and many of them are sick. God did give me such love for her, and I was so excited to tell her how Jesus is taking over this world and the sin in our hearts. The sadness in our eyes is going to change very soon! One of my favorite parts of this day was that our team members and many local church members were engaged in serving this community together. Some were sharing the gospel or praying for healing. Others cared for physical needs, welcomed people, played with children, or chased dogs out of the clinic. 

    Thank you for your prayers and support!


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  4. Honduras Update #4

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    When All is Stripped Away

    Hello, Rock Church. Thank you for your continued prayers. We continue to enjoy the favor of God and the Honduran people with whom God has surrounded us. When the obligations, cares, and concerns of our busy, hectic lives are taken away, it becomes easy to focus on spreading the gospel! God’s Good News is being preached in Honduras! Please keep a couple (Salvador and Victoria) in your prayers. They are fleeing the horrible situation in Venezuela. The other night, they made it to the Nicaragua/Honduras border but were robbed. They are trying to find a way into the United States. Please pray that God provides them safety, security, discernment, and peace

    -Tony Rehmer


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  5. Honduras Update #3

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    “God’s Word Does Not Return Empty”

    Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter”. Proverbs 24:11

    God gave me the verse above during my first trip to Romania in 2009. I understood it to mean that many people needed to hear His Good News of salvation—especially those who were destitute or neglected and whose only option was to use whatever means necessary just to survive.

    On Sunday, we visited an orphanage in Valle de Angeles, here in Honduras. We were touched by the work that they are doing as volunteers—because the government had stopped funding it in 2022. They have 76 residents—ages 3 to 60—who have severe disabilities, like Cerebral Palsy. The saddest part of this visit was to hear some of those individuals had been abandoned—one having been found tied to a chair in a park.


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  6. Honduras Update #2

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    Medical Clinic Outreach

    Today, we had a clinic at the church where we are staying. We set up areas where people could get medical records, talk to nurses and doctors, get prescribed medicine, and an evangelism station where people received prayer and were presented the gospel. We had 85 patients in 4 hours! Many of the church members, people from the community, and people from the disabled home we went to yesterday came. Part of our goal was to encourage and come alongside the medical professionals and church already in that area, and we were encouraged to have 3 doctors, one nurse, and 20 church members join us! My grandparents were on the prayer team and were blown away by how open and vulnerable the Honduran people were. Also, how grateful they were for simply the gift of prayer. Many people shared hard stories about their lives, received prayer, and responded to the gospel! 


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  7. Honduras Update #1

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    Planting Seeds

    Greetings to The Rock Church from Valle de Angeles, Honduras! 
    Today we visited some very poor families who are working hard to slowly build their own gardens. One lady named Cindy and her husband had just finished building her house out of clay blocks, which they had worked on for the last 8 months. Surprisingly, they had the garden planted before their house was built! We visited a few other families, and our team was very humbled to see how God worked in the most remote parts of the world. We were also grateful to have fellowship with other Christians who are working hard in their community. 


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  8. Arrived — Church Service and a Sunday Stroll

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    We made it to Sweden! Praise God our day of travel was light, easy, and stress-free. Our flights were pleasant, and the connections were short yet restful. We arrived looking like zombies, but most of the team caught a second wind in time to go for a walk and get acquainted with the neighborhood. We shared a dinner with Sarah’s good friends, Stefan and Ingrid. Our team enjoyed listening to ministry stories from a sweet couple running hard for Jesus for over 40 years. Some of these teary-eyed stories were compelling testimonies of committing their lives to Jesus, trusting in His ways, and falling in love by God’s timing. What a blessing to Sarah to have a solid couple to do life with! They have also graciously opened their home so that Carmen, Scott, and Alicia can have a place to stay.


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  9. Eager for Sweden — “Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go”

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    I can’t seem to shake the Ramones song playing on a loop in my brain as I think about the next 24 hours. I really do want someone to “just get me to the airport, put me on a plane,” and let me get going. I’m anxious and eager to get started. I don’t do well leading up to a big trip like this. I stress about getting all the tasks crossed off a list, ensuring everyone is healthy, and communicating flights. I’m an over-planner. I can get distracted by all the planning and forget to let the Holy Spirit lead.


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  10. Reflections From Europe

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    Reflections From Europe — a word from Pastor Caleb Yetton from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "I returned from a 10-day trip to Croatia. While we called it a mission trip, in most ways, it was more of a serving trip."

    Recently, my family and I returned from a 10-day trip to Croatia. While we called it a mission trip, in most ways, it was more of a serving trip. My family (and our team of 18) provided childcare for European missionaries so they could fully engage in a conference taught by Pastor Bill. They also got some much-needed relaxation. We watched over a lot of kiddos, swam, and played night games. Not to mention, we also got to eat good food and gelato. Consequently, I’d like to share a few reflections from the trip. 


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