Noel Christmas Series

The word “Noel” has several meanings. Most notably, it communicates the news of God’s goodness and love expressed through the birth of His son, Jesus Christ.
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The word “Noel” has several meanings. Most notably, it communicates the news of God’s goodness and love expressed through the birth of His son, Jesus Christ.
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I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. 21 I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose. — Galatians 2:20-21
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Dear Rock Church,
As you may know, the Utah House has overturned Salt Lake and Summit County mask mandates, effective immediately. The Utah House voted 45-29 (Friday morning) to end the locally-imposed COVID-19 mask mandates in Salt Lake and Summit counties.
Accordingly, we will continue to leave the decision to wear a mask (or not) to your own good judgment. We will have masks available for anyone who would like one.
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The Rock Pastors spent four hours (of heartfelt discussion) regarding our response and responsibility to the Salt Lake County Health Department’s 30-day public health order (order #2022-01) regarding COVID-19 mask mandates.
This is a challenging issue, to say the least. But, this is what the pastors have decided will apply to our Rock Church services:
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Dear Rock Church,
We are aware that yesterday, the Salt Lake County Health Department issued a 30-day public health order (order #2022-01) requiring people in Salt Lake County to wear masks, regardless of vaccination status or past COVID-19 infection.
Because of the late notice of this order, The Rock Church will simply encourage – but not require – the wearing of masks this weekend. We will also not enforce mask wearing, but leave this decision to your own good judgment. We will have masks available for anyone who wants one.
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What is the purpose of the Christian life? What has Jesus saved us for? As Believers, are we simply biding our time on this earth until we get to heaven …? Or, could there be a higher calling on our lives — a kingdom calling? We believe there is.
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Attention Rock Church Family,
With the goal of keeping you informed, we wanted to notify you that yesterday (March 25), we became aware of six people who have tested positive for COVID-19. They were in attendance at church on Saturday, March 20. At the time of that church service, these individuals were not showing any symptoms of infection. They all wore masks during the service, when they were unable to social distance.
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Hi, Rock Church! Starting the first weekend of October, we’ll begin meeting indoors again on Sunday morning! In fact, with the colder weather moving in, we’re planning on all three of our services being back inside the building.
Here are some things you should know:
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I want to tell you about an unseen blessing that is going on right now. During this crisis, our Children’s Director, Phil Hahn, has taken advantage of this time to remodel some classrooms for the children of The Rock Church. Similarly, God is preparing a room in Heaven for us — His children.
(more…)Posted in A Word from the Pastor, News by The Rock Church
Recently, during one of our weekend services, we looked at The Triumphant Entry in Mark 11. The Jewish people had their own timeline for when the Messiah should save them from the Romans. They tried making a King of their own creation.
Likewise, we can do the same thing, right? We have our own timeline for how we want life to return to normal. It can be easy to get angry — even at the King — when things don’t go the way we want them to during this time.
(more…)Posted in A Word from the Pastor, News by The Rock Church