The Rock Church

Tag Archive: Resolution

  1. If You Can’t Be Kind, Be Quiet

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    If You Can’t Be Kind, Be Quiet — a word by Pastor Bill Young from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Are you tempted to say (or post) something mean or nasty? Before you do, remember this wise advice: “If you can’t be kind, be quiet.”

    I recently taught at church about how to treat fellow believers when we disagree politically. Christians who differ on such issues should always do so with a spirit of kindness, graciousness, and understanding. Indeed, this spirit honors King Jesus.

    I know a little bit about conflict. Like everyone else, I’ve had my fair share of personal skirmishes with my wife, kids, family, co-workers, teammates, etc.  Additionally, for the past 33 years, I have been called in to help hundreds of other people resolve their broken relationships. In fact, just this past week, I had the opportunity to help resolve a dispute between two dear friends. Fortunately, humility carried the day, and all was well.


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  2. Purpose for the New Year

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    Purpose for the New Year – a word by Pastor Caleb Yetton from The Rock Church A lot of this personal analysis can be boiled down to re-evaluating two questions: “What is my purpose?” and “How do I fulfill that purpose?”

    A new year is upon us. For many, it’s a time for assessment, introspection and resolutions. A lot of this personal analysis can be boiled down to re-evaluating two questions: “What is my purpose?” and “How do I fulfill that purpose?”

    I believe the answer to those two questions is found in the Great Commandment (Matthew 22). Jesus said the greatest commandment of the law was (vs 37-38), “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.”


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  3. Resolving Conflict

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    Resolving Conflict – a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Jesus wants us to have a heart at peace, not at war. If we resolve conflict quickly, we can change our hearts."

    There is one thing I know. At some point, you will definitely offend or sin against someone close to you. Simply stated, between family, friends, co-workers, (or just doing life with people) conflict happens.

    The good news is that the time between the offense and the resolution is within our control. Dealing with it quickly creates peace in our hearts. On the other hand, if not dealt with, conflict causes war in our hearts. Jesus gives us some clear steps on how to resolve conflict.


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  4. Resolution

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    Resolution, A Word by Pastor Josh Whitney

    Church, we have just started a new year — 2016. Many people make resolutions at the start of a new year — to eat healthier or exercise more. A resolution is defined as “a firm decision to do something”. Church, could I challenge all of you to make the resolution that 2016 is the year you read God’s Word every day? The Scripture promises us many benefits from studying God’s Word.

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