The Rock Church

Tag Archive: saved

  1. “Saved By Grace” — Available Now!

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    The Rock Music has released another new song! “Saved By Grace (feat. For the Fatherless)” is the latest single from TRM.

    This special song features worship leaders Steele and Kim Croswhite and Brian and Christa Yak from For the Fatherless. The incredible collaboration recognizes the astounding work of grace in one’s life. It tells the story of anyone who has come from a life lived in legalism and been ushered into the undeserved grace of Jesus Christ.


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  2. Can A Christian Lose Their Salvation?

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    I was very stressed before my last teaching. And I’m sure I know why. I was preparing a message from some challenging verses in Hebrews 10:26-39. Not surprisingly, we all know there are some Bible verses that (at first glance) can rattle our faith. Because of this, they may even challenge our understanding of salvation. I was meditating on verses like that.

    However, the Lord gave me clarity. Once again, I came to the settled peace that our salvation through Jesus is eternally secure. Even as I considered other options, it was obvious that the atonement of Jesus covers ALL my sins. For that, I am beyond grateful!


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  3. Perfectly Orchestrated

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    The Right Place at the Right Time – a word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper Utah. "Your family, job, friends, neighbors and classmates — all of your relationships, were orchestrated by God. He has them right here, right now."

    I’m fascinated by the story about Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26-40). An angel directed Philip to a certain road and chariot (that was passing by). One of the Ethiopian Queen’s court officials was in the chariot. He had returned from worship in Jerusalem. While he rode, he read the scroll of Isaiah out loud. 

    Philip ran to him and asked, “Do you understand what you’re reading?” The official replied, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” He invited Philip to sit with him. Philip then explained the Good News of Jesus Christ. The official saw some water and wanted to get baptized. As soon as Philip baptized him, the Bible tells us, “the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing.”


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