The Rock Church

Tag Archive: Savior

  1. Even Me?

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    Even Me? — a word by Pastor Steele Croswhite from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Oh, that we might see Jesus. Even now, we must ponder what He thinks of us over anything or anyone else. Astonished, amazed, and delighted,"

    Then Jesus said to her, “I am the MESSIAH!” – John 4:26

    Without a doubt, this is one of my favorite encounters in the entire Bible. You remember the story. In the Gospel of John, Jesus passed through a region called Samaria on His way to Galilee. As the reader, we should by all means know that (at this time in history) the Samaritan people were despised by the Jewish people. The Jews considered the Samaritans to be inferior economically, racially, spiritually, and socially. In fact, they were “the dogs” and often even hated.


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  2. It is Good to be Near God

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    It is Good to be Near God – a word by Pastor Caleb Yetton from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "When gripped by grace, we experience abundant life. And then comes humility, obedience, and worship. Indeed, it is good to be near God."

    Our purpose is to live a life of worship. To know and be known by God. We are to walk in His grace and be changed by it. This means understanding who we are in God’s presence — that our life is not ours. When gripped by grace, we experience abundant life. And then comes humility, obedience, and worship. Indeed, it is good to be near God.

    A desire to be in God’s presence naturally fuels an authentic life of worship. It’s coming to a place where our hearts say, “God, everything else out there is a mirage. Only in Your presence is there life and fullness of joy.” 


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  3. Mercy My Sin Never Saw Coming

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    Mercy My Sin Never Saw Coming – a word by Pastor Caleb Yetton from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "It’s mercy from my Personal Savior and Friend. He is the Savior my sin and shame didn’t know was coming. While my guilt wants to keep me..."

    The Rock Music has released our new song, “Mercy.” It has been an honor to play a small part in writing and recording this song. Indeed, God has been so kind to our little local church in Draper, Utah (of all places) to allow us to put out so much original music. 

    I’ve helped release several songs over the past 15 years. This one is unique. From the first time we led worship with this song (April 2022), it has been a particularly special song for our body to sing together.

    First and foremost, we write and record music for Jesus to be exalted and, secondly, for our local body. We want the music to be a blessing to the saints who call The Rock Church their home. Anything beyond that is just icing on the cake. And, of course, more glory for God. 


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  4. Greatest Statement Ever

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    Greatest Statement Ever – a word by Pastor Josh Whitney from The Rock Church in Draper UT. "Don’t let your familiarity with this story dull your heart. Jesus will save His people from their sins. Greatest Statement Ever."

    “But as [Joseph] considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” — Matthew 1:20-21

    Jesus will save His people from their sins. That might be the greatest statement anyone has ever made. Indeed, we remember this fact as we celebrate Christmas!


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  5. Jesus Is Savior

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    Jesus is Savior, A Word by Pastor Bill Young of The Rock Church in Utah.

    “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.” (1 John 5:13)

    With Christmas less than a week away, I’ve been contemplating eternal matters. I’d like to share two different stories with you. They’re both true. They are similar stories, but have different endings. Both accounts involve funerals. One involved someone I’ve never met, the other one was a dear friend.


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