The Rock Church

Tag Archive: Series

  1. “The Kingdom Calling” Series

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    "The Kingdom Calling" A new series at The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. Jesus has called His Followers to a meaningful purpose and mission for this life. It’s a life-changing, global perspective that has been entrusted to all Christians.

    An Inspiring, New Series at The Rock Church

    What is the purpose of the Christian life? What has Jesus saved us for? As Believers, are we simply biding our time on this earth until we get to heaven …? Or, could there be a higher calling on our lives — a kingdom calling? We believe there is.


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  2. Win, Build, Send — Vision Series

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    Win, Build, Send – Vision Series at The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "At The Rock Church, we are on a mission. Our Mission Statement is to Win the Lost, Build the Believer and Send the Sanctified."

    At The Rock Church, we are on a mission. We want to win the world — one life at a time, one world in our lifetime. To see this happen, our Mission Statement is Win the Lost, Build the Believer and Send the Sanctified. This has been our heart for over 20 years — we pray it will be for 20 more. 


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  3. First Peter – Realistic Hope

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    Join us for our study through First Peter: Realistic Hope as we look for Realistic Hope found only in Jesus.

    Looking back, 2020 was quite a year: global pandemic, economic recession, empty shelves, earthquakes, persecution and political/racial turmoil. Will things get better? Is there any realistic hope they could?

    As we begin a new year, it’s easy to put our hope in things simply having to be better than they have been. We want to believe that. However, hope is only found in one source, Jesus Christ. Not in politicians, vaccines or 2021. 


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  4. Letters to The Church Series

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    A Study of Revelation 2 & 3

    We live in a day and age where our culture shouts at us constantly. It screams at us non-stop. So many different voices — each one telling us what they think truly matters and what they think we should focus on. It’s overwhelming. It’s confusing. Who should we listen to? 

    We need Truth in order to navigate the world we live in and that Truth can only come from Jesus. In our world today, it’s critical that we focus on what Jesus had to say. He knows what is the ultimate best for us and shares it with us in His Word.  


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  5. Fear Not

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    Fear Not: A 3 week series look into God’s Word. We’ll see what the Author of Life teaches us about overcoming our fears, trusting in His promises and walking with courage and hope.

    For I Am With You

    Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. — Isaiah 41:10

    We live in unprecedented times. The threats of deadly disease, market crashes and global calamities can create a crisis of fear and panic throughout our world. It even reaches into the local church.

    How do we respond when our lives get hit by trials and uncertainties? If we are not vigilant, fear is waiting and threatens to derail us from the plans God has for us. In this series, we will look into God’s Word. We’ll see what the Author of Life teaches us about overcoming our fears, trusting in His promises and walking with courage and hope.


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  6. The Gospel of Mark — Part 2

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    Jesus, The Servant King

    The Gospel of Mark tells the life story of the King who came not to be served, but to serve. It’s an exciting account of the Son of God that could speak to the Jews and the non-Jews of Mark’s day. In our study through the book of Mark, we’ll discover more about His servant life, His early ministry and the training of His disciples. 

    Series runs from October 26 to December 1, 2019

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  7. 1 Timothy – What Godliness Looks Like in the Church

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    1 Timothy – What Godliness Looks Like in the Church, a sermon series by the Rock Church in utah

    if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth. – 1 Timothy 3:15

    In the book of 1 Timothy, Paul is writing a letter to a young church leader. He has specific instructions for Timothy to know how to “fight the good fight”, how to lead his church, and what it looks like to live a godly life. Many of the challenges that Timothy faced in his church, we are still facing today. Challenges such as: dealing with false teachers, worship, prayer, character qualities of leadership, how we should treat each other, and how we should live our lives. Join us as we take a look at this powerful book and discover what godliness looks like in the church.

    Series runs from September 8 – December 2 at all services!

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  8. “You Asked For It” Series

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    You Asked for It series

    We all have questions.

    What does God say about sexuality and gender issues? If God is good, why is there so much suffering in the world? Who would God vote for as President? Sometimes, it’s hard to find the answers we need. In our upcoming 15-week series, You Asked For It, you’ll have a chance to discover answers to the questions you’ve been asking.


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  9. Jesus Is Better series

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    Jesus Is Better series

    The stories of the Old Testament can sometimes be unfamiliar to us as Christians. It says in Romans 15:4, “For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” But, like this verse in Romans states, they were written to instruct us.


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  10. Did God Really Say?

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    The first lie recorded in human history was one of doubting God’s goodness. The devil twisted what God said, and then used it to attack Mankind. Unfortunately, we bought into the lie and the rest is history. Fast forward to today. Our culture still believes the lie. The attack on Truth, the Bible, has never been more malicious. Ideas such as, “How can you believe the Bible when it blatantly promotes slavery and degrades women?” or “Look at how much murder, death and evil Christianity is responsible for.” or “The Bible is a homophobic book that threatens to send everyone to hell who doesn’t agree with it.” With people saying and believing things like this, it seems like Christianity has its back up against the wall. Or does it? Are these statements actually true? Or have people been deceived in this 140 character Social Media generation?

    Join us at The Rock Church starting June 26, as we take a brutally honest look into these ideas and misconceptions. We’ll go back to the Source to see for ourselves… “Did God Really Say?”

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