The Rock Church

Tag Archive: sermon

  1. King Jesus Series

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    King Jesus, a new sermon series at The Rock Church in Draper, UT. In this six-week series, we’ll look at what God's Word says for our poltically-divise election year.

    Unity in a Divided World

    We live in a polarized age. We all know it. And election years make it worse. “You have to vote, this is the most important election in the history of our country!”, “You can’t vote for him, he’ll ruin our country!” Sound familiar?


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  2. Immanuel Christmas Series

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    Christmas is a celebration of God’s greatest promise to Mankind — we are not alone. We are not left alone in our suffering, hurts, brokenness, or sin. Matthew 1:23 says, “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel — which means, God with us.” In our Christmas series this year, we’ll explore the significance of God dwelling among us.


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  3. Romans: Living By Faith Sermon Series

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    Romans: Living By Faith is a new expository sermon series at The Rock Church, studying the truth about God, His righteousness, and godly living.

    A Study Through the Book of Romans

    “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.” Romans 1:16-17

    We absolutely live in an age when everyone is right in their own eyes. Most people don’t even consider that their decisions could be wrong or their actions harmful. At the same time, everybody is on their own path, trying to figure out how to navigate life. Also, endless resources and influences are waiting to tell them exactly what they want to hear.


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  4. Hebrews — Consider Jesus

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    "Hebrews — Consider Jesus" A study through the book of Hebrews at The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. Jesus is superior to anything we can think of. It’s important to remember the preeminence of Christ (and what it means) when we face trials and persecutions. We need to know Him.

    A Study of the Book of Hebrews

    “Therefore, holy brothers, you who share in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, who was faithful to [God] who appointed Him.” Hebrews 3:1-2a

    The first century Jewish Christians suffered for their faith. In the face of their persecution, those weary Saints were tempted to abandon Christianity. The author of Hebrews wrote this expansive book to teach them why they should “Consider Jesus.” Two thousand years later, the words and truths in Hebrews are relevant for our lives today.


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  5. His Name Shall Be Called Christmas Series

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    "His Name Shall Be Called" A Christmas series at The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. Join us this Christmas season for this special, five-part series. Together, we’ll discover how the prophetic names of Jesus help us more fully understand who He truly is.

    A New, Christmas Series at The Rock Church

    “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”  Isaiah 9:6

    Certainly, we’ve given Jesus many names throughout history. What title accurately describes Him or explains His life? Can we know this man from ancient Israel? Indeed, Jesus fulfilled a promise made by the prophet Isaiah. A promise made more than 600 years before Jesus’ birth. Without a doubt, He was no mere man. Above all else, He was God in flesh.


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  6. Build Your House Series

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    "Build Your House" A new series at The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. This new, practical series will help you dig deep to build your house with Jesus as the firm foundation.

    A new, practical series at The Rock Church

    “Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like: he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock.” — Luke 6:47-48a

    If we hear the words of Jesus and obey them, we’re like a wise man who builds his house on the Rock. When the storms of life come (and they will), we’re able to withstand them.

    Our houses are certainly different and unique (walks with Jesus, relationships, marriages, parenting and finances). But all of them need to be built on the words of Jesus. 

    “And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built.” — Luke 6:48b

    This new, practical series will help you dig deep to build your house with Jesus as the firm foundation.

    Build Your House runs from October 9 – November 21.

    Build Your House Service Times and Location:

    Weekend services are on Saturdays at 6:00 p.m. and Sundays at 9:30 and 11:15 a.m.

    11630 S 700 E Draper, UT 84020

    You can also watch online at, Facebook live or The Rock Church app.

    If you have any questions, please email our office!

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  7. The Gospel of Mark — Part 2

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    Jesus, The Servant King

    The Gospel of Mark tells the life story of the King who came not to be served, but to serve. It’s an exciting account of the Son of God that could speak to the Jews and the non-Jews of Mark’s day. In our study through the book of Mark, we’ll discover more about His servant life, His early ministry and the training of His disciples. 

    Series runs from October 26 to December 1, 2019

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  8. 1 Timothy – What Godliness Looks Like in the Church

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    1 Timothy – What Godliness Looks Like in the Church, a sermon series by the Rock Church in utah

    if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth. – 1 Timothy 3:15

    In the book of 1 Timothy, Paul is writing a letter to a young church leader. He has specific instructions for Timothy to know how to “fight the good fight”, how to lead his church, and what it looks like to live a godly life. Many of the challenges that Timothy faced in his church, we are still facing today. Challenges such as: dealing with false teachers, worship, prayer, character qualities of leadership, how we should treat each other, and how we should live our lives. Join us as we take a look at this powerful book and discover what godliness looks like in the church.

    Series runs from September 8 – December 2 at all services!

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