The Rock Church

Tag Archive: sorrow

  1. What Really Matters

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    What Really Matters — a word by Pastor Bill Young from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "had an incredible impact on hundreds of lives. Her death made me once again reconsider what really matters in this life."

    “Yes, a wise man thinks much of death…” (Ecclesiastes 7:4a LB)

    My wife’s mom, Judy, passed away just before Thanksgiving. We traveled back to Iowa a few weeks ago to celebrate her life. Christian funerals are always bittersweet for me. On the one hand, I am so sad at the loss of our loved ones. On the other hand, however, I feel almost envious that they are now in Paradise with Jesus! How incredible it is to know that in Heaven, there are no more tears, pain, poor eyesight, worries, migraines, sorrows, or death.

    Without a doubt, the death of a loved one is never easy. But, as followers of Christ, our hope is sure; it’s never just wishful thinking.


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  2. One Year

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    One Year – a word by Pastor Bryan D. Edwards from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "(for the first time in a year) like I was ready to write down some of the things I have learned as I’ve walked through the grief and loss..."

    On October 23, 2020, as I was sitting in the passenger seat of my father’s car, my dad went into cardiac arrest behind the wheel. This Saturday will mark one year since his passing. 

    This last year has been a whirlwind for me. In my mind and in my heart, every day has felt like I’m locked up inside of a room with a vacuum running amuck; it refuses to turn off.  (That is my best attempt to try and explain what we call “grief”.)


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