The Rock Church

Tag Archive: Steve

  1. Love and Unity

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    Love and Unity — a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "our love and unity (with each other) bring us closer to the Lord. Additionally, we can together catch glimpses of what’s to come."

    “Love and unity” (together) are among the eight core values we hold dear at The Rock. We describe this particular value in these words (on our website): “We desire our ministry to be marked by a Christ-like, selfless love, loyalty, and unity with fellow believers.” Over time, the undeniable evidence of this core value within our body of Believers has struck me. Selfless love and loyalty are indeed the norm. It’s as if it’s actually in the air. Like a beautiful fragrance from a spring flower after a long winter. And ultimately, it’s so compelling it draws you in. 


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  2. Friend in Jesus

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    Friend in Jesus, A Blog from Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper Utah.

    While reading in Matthew recently, I was reminded of what an incredible friend we have in Jesus. The verses about how Jesus was betrayed and arrested, stir angry emotions in me. Judas betrays Jesus in an unfathomable way, and then a crowd with clubs and swords descends upon him. Let’s look at the verses:


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  3. Shaking the Blues

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    Shaking the Blues, A Word from Pastor Steve McInroy on The Rock Church Blog in Utah

    The week after Christmas can sometimes be difficult. Post-Christmas blues are real and are a very depressing time in many people’s lives.

    All the planning and pre-Christmas hype has come and gone. The tree is totally dried out, and the decorations are just not as charming as when we first put them up. Most of us have eaten more than we should have, spent too much money, and used up our vacation time. Are we really expected to just pick up where we left off and live real life again? It’s somewhat of a helpless feeling isn’t it?


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  4. Full of Love

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    Full of Love, A Word from Pastor Steele McInroy from The Rock Church in Utah.

If we can somehow grasp the truth that God is love, then it makes sense that we would strive to be full of love ourselves. I mean really, wouldn’t the world be a better place if we were all filled with love?


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  5. What’s the Big Problem?

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    What's the Big Problem, A Word by Pastor Steve McInroy of The Rock Church in Salt Lake City Draper Utah

    Is it just me or are we living in a time when people seem to be more and more disgruntled at almost everything? Have you noticed it? What’s the big problem, anyway?

    Well, according to the “The Top Tens” list, the world’s top five problems are: Drug Abuse, War and Terrorism, Poverty, Population Growth, and Pollution. The list goes on; this is just the first five.


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  6. Here and Now

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    Here and Now, A Word by Pastor Steve McInroy of The Rock Churches in Utah

    I love being on mission. Not just in far away places but also in the here and now. Teaming together with Jesus (and other Christians) in prayer, planning, and sharing the Gospel, is the quintessential life in Christ. I think the here and now is the actual living out of a life in Christ, or the realization of what Jesus was talking about when He described the full life in Christ. I’m not talking about a “campfire-singing-Kum Ba Yah” sort of existence. Instead, it’s more of a real day-to-day intimacy with God. The kind that is with me through my highs, my lows, and walks me through the here and now moments of life.


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  7. Trusting

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    Trusting, A Word by Pastor Steve McInroy

    I’ve recently been walking through some major changes in my life and the “unknowns” can be very challenging, to say the least. I can tend to lean on many of my past experiences to help negotiate the way and that is somewhat helpful. But, most of the time, I really don’t know what’s going to happen. I do know that it ultimately all comes down to me trusting God in everything.


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  8. Unshakable

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    by Steve McInroy

    “Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:28-29


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  9. Happy New Year!

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    A new year often motivates people to start something new and can also give us a sense of relief when we get a chance to start over. Out goes Old Man 2013 and in comes the Young Hope of 2014. Lose weight, pray more, stop smoking, start budgeting, help others, share your faith, clean your car, read your Bible, spend more time with your kids, and on and on. These are all fine things to strive for and if a New Year’s resolution helps you get there, then I say go for it. Like a fresh coat of snow covers up the dead browns of fall, we see things anew and the possibilities in the future seem endless.

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