The Rock Church

Tag Archive: Sweden

  1. Fishing Hole – Kid-Friendly Park Activities

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    What an incredible way to end the week! The park was full of people from the neighborhood grilling food, playing games, and running around the playground. At least 100 kids were all over the park. Many of the kids and families were familiar faces from the work that had been done in preparation for this moment. The Lord provided a well stocked fishing hole for our team.

    On Friday afternoon, while the men were shopping for home repair supplies, we came across a hobby shop or craft store. I wanted to purchase water-based paint to replenish what our kids had used throughout the week. While we were at the store, I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to bless Sarah with supplies to help start the youth ministry that she has been praying for. So, I sent John and Sawyer around the store to help find crafts that pre-teen girls would enjoy. We found kinetic sand, playdough, window markers, and paint bottles. 


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  2. Existence of God

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    I have been challenged so much this week to share the existence of God. During the coffee table sessions, there have been many opportunities to direct conversations to eternal matters. It’s been convicting to think about how I live my daily life without attempting to share more about God. 

    There was a conversation yesterday afternoon with a man who had lived under Sadam Hessian and escaped with his life. He had doubts that a God could even exist. It was challenging but rewarding to share God, defend his existence, and talk about the evidence of His presence in the world. These experiences only help to confirm and strengthen my faith as I share Jesus and his love.

    – Tim Fleury

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  3. Forgiveness Through Jesus – Illustrated Stories and Park Outreach

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    We started our day with breakfast, worship, and team time, during which Sarah taught us a conversational tool for sharing the gospel using a Bible story about Jesus. She asked us to fold a sheet of paper in fourths and told us the story from Luke 7:36-50, broken into four parts. Simon the Pharisee invited Jesus to dinner at his home, where a sinful woman entered, weeping and washing Jesus’ feet with her tears. Jesus challenges Simon to think about forgiveness in the story he tells Simon about the canceled debt of two men. Jesus says to the woman, “Your sins are forgiven.” Finally, Jesus tells the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”


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  4. 15-Second Testimonies — Parkour, Coffee, and House Church

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    Today, we woke up and felt mostly adjusted to the time zone.  With that, we started the day with breakfast and team time.  We sang a few songs accompanied by Alicia on the piano and prayed for the day; Sarah had an activity to help us share our testimony in 15 seconds. It was a super easy one with only five steps! Even the kids had it down after a couple of times practicing with one another.  This proved to be very helpful later in the day.  We wrapped up team time and headed for prayer walking, prayer parkour, and lunch.  After lunch, Brent had the opportunity to pray for the new restaurant owner we had just eaten at.  After this, we returned to Sarah’s place to prepare for the afternoon activities.


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  5. Arrived — Church Service and a Sunday Stroll

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    We made it to Sweden! Praise God our day of travel was light, easy, and stress-free. Our flights were pleasant, and the connections were short yet restful. We arrived looking like zombies, but most of the team caught a second wind in time to go for a walk and get acquainted with the neighborhood. We shared a dinner with Sarah’s good friends, Stefan and Ingrid. Our team enjoyed listening to ministry stories from a sweet couple running hard for Jesus for over 40 years. Some of these teary-eyed stories were compelling testimonies of committing their lives to Jesus, trusting in His ways, and falling in love by God’s timing. What a blessing to Sarah to have a solid couple to do life with! They have also graciously opened their home so that Carmen, Scott, and Alicia can have a place to stay.


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  6. Eager for Sweden — “Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go”

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    I can’t seem to shake the Ramones song playing on a loop in my brain as I think about the next 24 hours. I really do want someone to “just get me to the airport, put me on a plane,” and let me get going. I’m anxious and eager to get started. I don’t do well leading up to a big trip like this. I stress about getting all the tasks crossed off a list, ensuring everyone is healthy, and communicating flights. I’m an over-planner. I can get distracted by all the planning and forget to let the Holy Spirit lead.


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